For video demonstrations of the “Gentler movements” please click VIDEO LINK
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Gentler movements
Pouring water
Start by holding an empty cup and turn it upside-down as if pouring out water.
Pump water
Clasp hands together at chest height Clasp hands together at hip height
Clasp your hands together. Bring hands up and down in a ‘pumping action’.
Look at your hand behind your elbow
Hand in front Hand to the side Hand behind you
Attempt to see your hand behind your elbow, with your arm out to the side.
You should aim to see your fingers and thumb.
Figure of eight
Palm facing outwards Swinging the arm across your body
in a figure of eight motion
Stand leaning forwards with your unaffected hand on a worktop or back of a chair for support. Swing your affected arm in a figure of eight, with your palm facing outwards when across your body and inwards when away from your body.
Stronger movements
Tip please
Look towards the affected side. Take your hand behind your back as if to accept a backhanded tip.
Table stretch
Placing the back of the hand
on the tableWith the hand remaining on the table, rotate your whole body away
Keep the back of your hand flat on the table and rotate your whole body away.
Back massage
Massage your back in a circular motion. Depending on the side affected, the right hand should circle anti-clockwise, with the left hand circling clockwise.
When to call for advice?
If you have problems following your exercises, contact the hand therapy team on
Patient experience
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust would like your feedback. If you wish to share your experience about your care and treatment or on behalf of a patient, please contact The Patient Experience Department who will advise you on how best to do this.
This service is based at The James Cook University Hospital but also covers the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton, our community hospitals and community health services.
To ensure we meet your communication needs please inform the Patient Experience Department of any special requirements, for example; braille or large print.
T: 01642 835964
E: [email protected]