Our specialist bereavement midwife will coordinate your care throughout your hospital stay and will provide you with immediate and long-term care and emotional support, based on your individual needs.
They will do all they can to support you in the weeks and months following the loss of your baby, this can be alongside your community midwife.
They will also liaise with other relevant healthcare professionals relating to your ongoing care and ensure your postnatal follow up appointment with your consultant is arranged.
Contact our bereavement midwife
- Tel: 01642 850850 ext 57721
- Mobile: 07467439049
- Email: [email protected]
Snowdrop team
The Snowdrop team are a team of midwives who are experienced in providing care to families when their baby dies. A member of the team will provide your care throughout your stay on central delivery suite.
Depending on the length of your stay, you may receive care from more than one midwife, but we will try to keep the number of staff caring for you to a minimum.
Star Award
If you would like to recognise a member of the Snowdrop team for the care they have provided to you and your family, you can nominate them for a Star Award
STAR AwardMaternity Bereavement Survey
If you have received care from the maternity bereavement team and would like to provide feedback, you can complete the survey below. We will use your answers and comments to continually improve the care we provide to our bereaved families.
Maternity bereavement survey