Academic Centre for Surgery (ACeS)

Establish a world leading centre for collaborative surgical research and academic excellence, driving advancement of knowledge and improving outcomes from surgical care.

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    About ACeS

    Establish a world leading centre for collaborative surgical research and academic excellence, driving advancement of knowledge and improving outcomes from surgical care.
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    World leading research

    Our ongoing and published studies and national projects, informing clinical practice and policy.

Meet the ACeS core team

Meet the Academic Centre for Surgery team at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Core team

Academic departments

Find out more about the specialties that form the Academic Centre for Surgery.

Academic departments

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How can patients and the public get involved with our research?

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Useful resources

Useful resources and links to media, ACeS videos and partner information

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ACeS Newsletter

A link to the online South Tees Academic Centre for Surgery Newsletter