About the research we take part in
- 6,614 participants recruited into research studies in 2022/23
- 178 trials open across 23 specialties
- 121 investigators leading the delivery of trials
- 53 of our own chief investigators leading trust initiated trials
Our contribution to COVID research
COVID-19 research studies are still taking place across the hospital – including in the emergency department, infectious diseases, respiratory medicine, critical care, maternity care and paediatrics. These aim to improve our understanding of the disease and find effective treatments.

A total of 811 patients were recruited into the RECOVERY COVID-19 treatment trial, which was the first trial to identify effective treatments for COVID-19. We were the sixth-highest recruiting hospital to this trial in terms of the percentage of patients admitted that were recruited.
A total of 171 patients were recruited into the REMAP CAP COVID treatment trial in critical care and we are the second-highest recruiting hospital to this trial.
Data from 1,868 patients has been submitted for analysis to the CCP ISARIC trial, which was a national database of information on all patients admitted with COVID to try to understand risk factors and effective management.
A total of 534 participants were recruited into the NOVAVAX COVID-19 vaccine trial. The trial was delivered jointly by medics, research staff and volunteers at South Tees, North Tees and County Durham and Darlington NHS trusts. An incredible testament to our collaboration with our neighbouring trusts.
Areas of research activity
We try to ensure we have research trials in all of our clinical areas to ensure all patients have access to cutting-edge treatments.
In 2022/23 we ran research trials in the following clinical areas:
Anaesthetics, perioperative, medicine and pain, cancer, cardiovascular disease, childrens (paediatrics and neonates), dementia and neurodegenerative disorders, dermatology, diabetes, ENT, gastroenterology, genetics, health services research, hepatology, infection, musculoskeletal disorders, neurological disorders, ophthalmology, renal disorders, reproductive health, stroke, surgery, trauma and orthopaedics.
We have many of our own staff who are chief investigators designing and delivering research sponsored by us to answer key questions for our patients.

South Tees top recruiting trials
Routine testing for Group B Streptococcus (Reproductive health and child birth)
iGBS3 (Childrens)
SQUEEZE UK: Postoperative vasopressor usage: Relation to AF (Anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain management)
Mouth cAre to Prevent Pneumonia in older people Study (MAPPS) (Trauma and emergency care)
Colorectal Cancer Cohort Study (COLO-COHORT) (Gastroenterology)