If you are having a Local anaesthetic, you will return back to the surgical admissions unit (SAU).
- The nursing staff will go through your discharge paperwork and ensure you have any follow up numbers, advice on wound care or dressings if needed, and follow up appointments made if required.
- You will be offered diet and fluids.
Gara ward
If you are having elective orthopaedic surgery, you will return to the Gara ward to recover.
- Gara 01609 764676
- Visiting times, 2pm to 4.30pm and 6pm to 8pm
If you are having a general anaesthetic for any other procedure you will go to the post operative surgical day unit (POSDU) to recover.
- POSDU 01609 764405
- Visiting 7pm to 8pm
The admitting nurse will give you the contact details of each post-operative ward as it is difficult to give an exact time for discharge. Staff can update your contact with consent from yourself.
In the very rare chance that a procedure doesn’t go to plan and you are required to be transferred to another hospital setting your Next of Kin will be notified by staff.
Ready for home
To check you are ready to go home staff will make sure you have:
- Tolerated diet and fluids
- Your pain is managed
- Any nausea or vomiting is controlled
- The nursing staff will go through your discharge paperwork and ensure you have any follow up numbers, advice on wound care and dressings if required, advice on TED stocking if needed, any advice on discharge medication or injections you have been prescribed and follow up appointments made if needed. You may be required to see the physiotherapist before discharge.
You must have somebody to accompany you home and a responsible adult to stay with you for 24 hours after your procedure. Some patients will be able to go home with a follow up phone call.
You must not drive yourself or use public transport as a means to go home.
Road to recovery
It is important that you rest after a procedure and surgery. Staff will give you information regarding this according to the procedure you have had.
24 hours after surgery we advise:
- Not to drink alcohol or take recreational drugs
- Avoid smoking or vaping
- Have a light healthy diet
- Do not look after any children or dependents on your own
- Do not sign any legal documents
- Do not drive or operate machinery