Urgent treatment centre
Redcar urgent treatment centre is open 8am to 9.30pm, seven days a week, for urgent treatment of minor illnesses and minor injuries (including x-ray).
Find out more about Redcar urgent treatment centreZetland Ward
Zetland Ward at Redcar Hospital provides care for adult patients with a wide range of conditions, particularly those requiring rehabilitation and palliative care.
Specialist stroke rehabilitation is provided at Redcar with dedicated beds, specialist staff, excellent facilities and the added support of the early supported discharge team.
We also offer general rehabilitation, assessment of present and future care needs, diagnostics, drug initiation and administration (including intravenous), blood transfusions, pain control and palliative care.
Outpatient clinics
We host a wide range of outpatient clinics at Redcar Hospital including those held by consultants from our acute hospitals.
Departments include:
- Diabetic medicine services
- Gastroenterology and haematology services
- Geriatric medicine services
- Long COVID clinics
- Orthopaedics services
- Pain management services
- Parkinson’s advanced symptom unit
- Physiotherapy – 01642 944708
- Stroke rehabilitation
- Radiology (x-ray)
Operating theatre
We offer some minor surgical procedures at Redcar Hospital under local or regional anaesthetic.
Using a regional anaesthetic – a nerve block given to a specific region of the body to provide numbness or pain relief for deeper operations where more extensive numbness is needed – means that strong painkillers and a general anaesthetic can usually be avoided.
This benefits both the patient and the hospital as any potential side effects are reduced so recovery time is quicker and people may be able to choose to have their procedure closer to home.

Delivering high quality care
Following the latest inspection by the Care Quality Commission, the services we provide at the hospital were found to be ‘good’ overall and meeting all the CQC national standards.
Our staff aim to actively involve patients, carers and families to ensure that they meet the needs of all involved.
The staff also pride themselves in the close relationships they have with other agencies including social services, the palliative care team, Macmillan, community matrons and district nurses.
“Every member of staff from the matron to tea lady had a purpose and they worked so hard. They, and the building, are a credit to the town and the NHS."
The building is owned by NHS Property Services.