As a military defence hospital unit – which has been awarded the bronze award by the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme for showing support for the armed forces community – we have pledged to support for the Step Into Health initiative.
Step into Health has been designed by the NHS in conjunction with The Royal Foundation and Walking with the Wounded.
It shows a commitment by the trust to support military service leavers by promoting opportunities and offering work placements.
It has been run as a pilot across five NHS Trusts including Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and is now being rolled out across the whole of the NHS.
The trust is able to offer up to two weeks voluntary work experience placement through the Step Into Health programme.
To request an application form contact:
Therapeutic Support Programme Team Office
The James Cook University Hospital
Marton Road
Call the team on 01642 835862
Email us at [email protected]
Please do not approach any trust staff directly about your placement, even if you know them personally.
Step into Health is delivered through a partnership between military organisations and the NHS.