Aged 15 or over and interested in gaining valuable experience within the NHS?
A work experience placement at South Tees Hospitals will provide for a great opportunity to learn about work in general and have an insight into NHS careers.
We offer a unique learning experience in many wards and departments which can help influence future decisions regarding the rest of your education and career pathway.
At South Tees you have the opportunity to shadow and observe real work situations, witnessing the importance of teamwork and leadership skills. Students can observe world-class professionals at work and ask questions about their job roles.
We have a large range of placements available in the trust. We can only arrange placements for those aged 15 or over.
Please be aware that some departments have additional age restrictions.
Work experience application process
To apply for a work experience placement, please discuss the programme with your school/college careers advisor in the first instance who will assess your suitability to apply for a placement with the trust.
Having received support for your application from your school/college, please complete the application form, and send to the address below.
For more details or to request an application form contact:
Therapeutic Support Programme Team Office
The James Cook University Hospital
Marton Road
Call the team on 01642 835861
Email us at [email protected]
Please do not approach any trust staff directly about your placement, even if you know them personally.