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Showing 42 Resources filtered by Children and young people
Information for parents
Discharge advice: Hernia repairs and PPV ligation
Information for parentsTopic: Children and young people
Type: Leaflets
Audience: Children and young people, Parents and guardians, Relatives and carers
Discharge advice: Circumcision (tight foreskin)
Information for parentsTopic: Children and young people
Type: Leaflets
Audience: Children and young people, Parents and guardians, Relatives and carers
Scoliosis surgery
Information for patients -
Intouch Kiosk competition drawing template
The competition is open to paediatric patients, past and present, and children of the trust’s staff, aged up to 18 years old.Topic: Children and young people
Type: Presentations
Audience: Children and young people, Parents and guardians, Staff
Paediatric MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
Information for parents and carers -
Discharge advice: Nasal cautery
Information for parents, relatives and carersTopic: Children and young people
Type: Leaflets
Audience: Children and young people, Parents and guardians, Relatives and carers
Why has my child been asked to come for a sleep deprived video EEG?
Information for parents of children or young people who need a sleep deprived video EEG.Topic: Children and young people, Neurophysiology, Neurosciences
Type: Guidance
Audience: Children and young people, Parents and guardians
What is paediatric video EEG?
An EEG guide for parents, children and young people showing how we record brain waves without the patient feeling anything.Topic: Neurophysiology, Neurosciences
Audience: Children and young people, Parents and guardians, Patients
Sleep hygiene
Information for patientsTopic: Children and young people
Type: Leaflets
Audience: Children and young people, Parents and guardians, Patients