Adult Audiology
What is the difference between listening and hearing?
Hearing is the ability to detect sounds. It is an automatic function that occurs when sound is transferred from the environment to our brains through our ears and nerves. We have no conscious control over it. A hearing test will check how well you can hear sounds, and specifically test the quietest sounds you can hear. That is why you have had your hearing tested.
Listening, on the other hand, is a conscious function; one in which we actively give attention to what we hear in order to process it. It is different to just hearing as it is a skill and can be improved with practice.
Listening requires concentration in order to make sense of what you have heard. Listening means paying attention not only to what is being said, but how it is said, the use of language and voice, and how the other person uses his or her body.
For example, you may be able to hear a colleague talking, but you are focusing on another task, so you are not listening to what is being said, therefore you won’t remember what you have heard. To listen, you need to concentrate on what the other person is saying and process the information.
What is normal?
Most people with normal hearing find it difficult to listen in noisy environments. Here are some examples where it is more difficult to hear:
- In a group conversation when lots of people are talking at once.
- Where there is a lot of background noise, for example in a restaurant, shared office or outside when there is traffic passing.
It will feel more difficult to listen if you cannot get extra communication cues from the person talking to you. For example, if you cannot see their lips moving or their facial expressions, which help you to understand the information more clearly. A good example is when you are trying to listen to a phone call in a noisy place.
Most people with normal hearing will also find it more difficult to listen when they are distracted, feel unwell or are tired.
Why does it feel more difficult to hear now?
It is not that you cannot hear as well now, it is likely that it has just become more difficult to listen.
When you are under stress, either at home or at work this can affect your ability to listen in challenging listening situations. The time of day can also affect how well you are able to understand speech in challenging listening environments – if you find it harder to listen at the end of the day, this can be simply because you are tired, which impacts your ability to process and understand speech, particularly in challenging listening environments.
What can I do to help myself to listen?
Get a good night’s sleep, every night. Being tired will mean that it is harder to concentrate and therefore harder to listen.
Put mobile phones and computers away before you go to
bed, as the bright light will keep you awake for longer.
- Prepare yourself to listen. Focus on the person speaking and put other things out of your mind.
- Remove other distractions whilst you are listening. For example:
- Try to move closer to the person speaking, so that you can see their face.
- Try to reduce any background noise e.g. turn down the TV or radio.
- If you are engaged in another task when someone is speaking to you, try to pause what you are doing and focus on the speaker.
- Did you know that only 7% of communication is the actual words spoken. The rest of communication is through body language and tone of voice.
- Watch for non-verbal information. We don’t just listen with our ears, but also with our eyes. Look for lip patterns, facial expressions, eye-movements and hand gestures.
- You can also try some listening activities to improve your listening skills. Have a look at the following activities.
Listening skills activities
Draw the description (quiet):
Do this in a quiet environment. Ask someone to explain an object or person in detail whilst you draw it. Get them to draw the object or person at the same time and compare your drawings.
How well were you able to listen to their descriptions? How similar were your drawings?
Draw the description (noise):
It’s more difficult to listen in noise. Firstly, turn on the radio or some music, and turn on the television at a normal volume (make the environment noisy, but not loud!)
Do this activity with a partner or a friend. Ask them to explain an object or person in detail whilst you draw it. Get them to draw the object or person at the same time and compare your drawings.
How well were you able to listen to their descriptions? How similar were your drawings? Was it more difficult in a noisy environment? Did they need to repeat themselves more?
Listening without lipreading cues:
Listen to the radio, or podcasts or audio books. After each episode or chapter try to recap what happened. This helps you to practice listening without lipreading or clues from body language.
What can I hear?
Close your eyes for a few seconds and think about what you can hear. There are lots of sounds around you that your brain chooses not to listen to. What noises can you hear?
Listening to music:
When you’re listening to your music listen to the different sounds that are used to make the music. How many people are singing? What instruments are being used to make the different sounds?
Listen to music and see if you can pick out a particular instrument or drum beat to listen to, can you tap out the beat?
Listen for the word:
Using songs, watching TV shows, or even listening to podcasts will help build skills. While listening to a song or TV show choose a word to listen for and count how many times you hear it.
Contact us
If you require further information, please contact us on:
Telephone: 01642 854051
Email: [email protected]
Patient Experience
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust would like your feedback. If you wish to share your experience about your care and treatment or on behalf of a patient, please contact The Patient Experience Department who will advise you on how best to do this.
This service is based at The James Cook University Hospital but also covers the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton, our community hospitals and community health services.
To ensure we meet your communication needs please inform the patient experience department of any special requirements, for example; braille or large print by emailing: [email protected]