Closing Date Wednesday 14 September 2022.
Complete the patient safety partner application form and return it to [email protected]
Join our patient safety team
We are actively recruiting for two Patient Safety Partners to attend some of our Patient Safety meetings, to represent the patient’s/family’s voice and to provide a questioning approach, to help develop a safer organisation.
It is also likely that the role will evolve over time. This will be a fixed term role for 18 months in the first instance, with the opportunity to extend.
For further information about the role, please contact Kate Jones, assistant director of patient safety on 01642 835940 or email [email protected]
What is a patient safety partner?
The patient safety partner (PSP) role is a new and innovative role in the NHS.
PSPs will play a key role in improving patient safety by becoming an integral part of patient safety and quality governance.
The total time commitment initially for each PSP is expected to be one to two full days per month.
This includes preparation for and attendance at group meetings.
Membership of and attendance at the relevant meetings will mostly be held remotely via Teams and other options are available for candidates who do not have IT access.
These voluntary roles require attendance at one meeting every month and other activity between meetings.
The roles do attract an involvement payment at meetings and reimbursement for reasonable expenses.
Due to the trust’s commitment to safety and continuous improvement, it is likely that the role will evolve over time.
These duties will be subject to review, and any amendments will be made in consultation and agreement with the PSP.
The patient safety partner role attracts an involvement payment of £150 per day, or £75 per half day.
Reasonable out of pocket expenses are also covered, including time to complete mandatory training.
These payments are in line with involvement payments that are agreed nationally and as outlined in the PPV Partners Expenses and Involvement Policy (October, 2021).
Involvement payments are seen by HMRC, the Job Centre and insurance companies as income.
This has implications for interested candidates as patient safety partners may have to pay tax or declare income that can affect their benefit or insurance pay-outs.
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has a responsibility to advise successful candidates that they should declare the income to HMRC, their insurance company or the job centre, as appropriate.
Main purpose of role
The role of a patient safety partner is to enable the trust to value, listen and provide meaningful involvement opportunities for patients, their carers and families in the ongoing patient safety work of the organisation.
The PSP will support a culture which is ‘patient centred’
You will work with us in the following way:
- It is important that you participate and join key conversations and meetings within the Trust that address patient safety. You will attend our patient safety meetings and committees.
- Committees/meetings may require face to face attendance or may be online, either of which the PSP must be comfortable with this approach
- You will challenge us and the way that we work and be our critical friend. You will provide a questioning approach to the information shared at the Committees and meetings
- Representing the patient’s/family voice, to ensure the committee/meeting members are ‘walking in the patient’s shoes’
- Co-designing the developments of patient safety initiatives.
- Compliance with relevant policies and maintaining confidentiality.
Skills and experience
- A broad interest in patient safety
- An ability to communicate verbally and an ability to advocate for patient safety
- An ability to read a range of information from a variety of sources
- An ability to ask questions, and to work collaboratively with staff and other PSPs, to help develop a safer organisation
- Ability to represent all patients, as part of the wider community
- Commitment to maintaining high standards, with a commitment to being open and honest.
- A recognition there is a requirement to work flexibly.
- Training will be designed to meet the individual needs of the patient safety partners (PSPs); this will include skills in leadership, influencing and decision-making skills
- PSPs will be required to undertake the same mandatory training as all South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust staff.
Planning and organising
- Ability to plan time to prepare for meetings and undertake any other activities required as part of the role.
- To attend PSP support meetings and training events.
- Willingness to develop learning and work in collaboration with South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to improve patient safety
- Ability to review, digest and comprehend a range of information and opinions
- Willingness to listen and to question until you reach the level of information required to understand
- Willingness and ability to provide a voice for patients, carers and relatives and express views
- Adhere to the principles of the PSP agreement
- Ability to reflect the different views and diversity of patients/carers/relatives including those living with different conditions and from different backgrounds
- Be supportive and innovative in delivery change
- Inform relevant person if unable to attend meetings or undertake any other identified activity
- Inform the chair of the meeting if there is a conflict of interests, such as patient or patient group are known personally to the PSP.
- Commit to attending pre-planned meetings that require PSP involvement
- Take part in South Tees PSP forum to receive peer support and share learning
- Support new PSPs
- Attend debriefs where required
- Ensure that confidentiality is always maintained
- PSP to identify and discuss any concerns they have following the provision of feedback at committees/meetings with their supervisor.
Recruitment process
Once we receive your application
- Applications will be assessed against the skills and experience required. Shortlisting will be made based on the content of the application form.
- Informal interviews will be arranged for successful applicants
- Please note that two references will be taken up for successful applicants before starting in the role.
Diversity and equality of opportunity
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust values and promotes diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity for all.
Additional Information
- We would not expect individual applicants to have all capabilities and skills
- A DBS check and references will be required for this role
- We value and promote diversity and are committed to equality of opportunity for all and appointments are made on merit
- Applicants are advised to seek further financial advice as involvement payments may have tax implications as the payments may be regarded as earning whether they are employed, unemployed, retired, or receiving state benefits.
It is advisable to consider:
- Why you are interested, including personal experiences or processes in the NHS (or other organisations)
- What skills, past experiences, and insights you feel you can bring to the role.
- Any potential conflicts of interest we should consider
- Any accessibility issues we need to make adjustments for
- Please also indicate what days and times of the week are best suited and if there are any you are unable to commit to.