Day surgery offers many advantages to all involved and is often considered by many to be the way forward for the NHS.
The James Cook University Hospital
The surgical day unit (SDU) at The James Cook University Hospital cares for between 600 and 700 patients per week.
It is a self-contained unit and has three operating theatres, a recovery and two ward areas.
Some patients may have their operations in the main theatre suite and transferred back to the SDU once they are awake.
Once transferred back to recovery stage two patients are recovered in Parker Knoll Chairs accommodating up to 23 patients, and the unit also has the facility for overnight stay for a number of patients five nights per week.
The unit caters for patients undergoing surgery or investigations under general anaesthetic, sedation or local anaesthetic.
Contacting James Cook SDU
If patients or relatives want to make a telephone enquiry during a patient’s stay on the SDU the number is 01642 854603.
Our ward staff will be happy to ring relatives when they are ready to be collected.
Friarage Hospital
The Friarage surgical day unit can accommodate 17 day case patients simultaneously in two ward areas each with six beds. There are also two double rooms accommodating two patients each plus one single-bedded room.
We have one day case operating theatre, plus a minor operation treatment room within the SDU. Recently we have also opened as an overnight facility providing beds overnight for up to 15 patients from a variety of specialties.
Our pre-assessment service is a key part of the patient pathway and improves our hospital efficiency.
We know that all patients should be pre-assessed and this is the key to preventing patient cancellations. We understand that patients want to be fully informed about their operation and be prepared for surgery on the agreed date.
During the pre-assessment process patients are examined to ensure they are medically fit for day surgery and this also gives them the opportunity to ask any questions they may have about their operation.
We constantly strive to improve our patients’ experience of surgery by providing as much information as patients require.
Contact Friarage SDU
If patients and are relatives wish to enquire about any of the day case services at the Friarage please telephone 01609 64847.