Oncology outpatients is ordinarily your first destination as a patient under our care.
We are based in the main hospital building close to the north entrance at The James Cook University Hospital but also hold outpatient clinics and services from the Endeavour Unit on the same site, Friarage Hospital and a number of community venues.
Your appointment letter will tell you which venue the clinic will be held in.
The department is run by our team of dedicated nursing staff, and supported by our radiotherapy and chemotherapy teams.
We provide a range of services from this base including:
Consultant, nurse and radiographer consultation and review
Phlebotomy (blood sampling)
Radiotherapy treatment review
Oral chemotherapy
Specialist lymphoedema care
How to find us
Oncology outpatients is based in the main building at James Cook. The closest entrance is via the north entrance, however we are accessible from all entry points and signposted along the way.
From the north entrance turn immediately right as you enter the reception area from the main doors. Oncology outpatients appears shortly on your right and is signposted overhead.
Once you arrive at the department the reception desk is a little ahead and to your right. If you present yourself at the desk our reception team will be very happy to book you in.
The Endeavour Unit is situated directly opposite and across the road from the north entrance. Reception is immediately in front of you upon arrival.
Within both the main building and the Endeavour Unit we have an open plan waiting area with tables and chairs, water fountain, and WRVS refreshment bar where you can purchase hot and cold drinks, cakes and other snacks.
Please note that the WRVS bar is not always able to open, however there are a number of alternative options close by within the hospital site.
Oncology services in the community
We provide a number of services throughout the region to provide care and treatment closer to our patients.
We offer outpatient clinics from the following venues:
Friarage Hospital (Northallerton)
University Hospital of North Tees
University Hospital of Hartlepool
Darlington Memorial Hospital
Bishop Auckland General Hospital
Whitby Hospital
We also provide chemotherapy treatment services at Friarage Hospital and at Darlington Memorial Hospital.