What is stroke early supported discharge (ESD)?

Stroke ESD is a service that is offered to people who have had a new stroke, are well enough to leave hospital and who have been identified as appropriate for further specialist stroke therapy at home.
Therapy may include dietetics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech and language therapy.
What does the stroke ESD team do?
The purpose of the team is to enable appropriate stroke patients to return home from hospital sooner and receive their therapy in the community.

This may include rehabilitation for:
- mobility
- communication and/or swallowing difficulties
- washing and dressing
- preparing meals/drinks
- emotional support
- care givers support, teaching and education
Who are the ESD team?

The team is made up of:
- stroke physician
- dietitian
- occupational therapists
- physiotherapists
- speech and language therapists
- therapy assistants
Depending on your needs the specialist therapists and therapy assistants will visit you appropriately each week for up to six weeks to meet your agreed goals.
A member of the team will be named as your key worker and will act as a contact for you throughout your care.

Contact details
The service can be contacted at Redcar Hospital seven days a week from 8am to 6pm.
Tel: 01642 944595
Email: [email protected]