We are a multi-disciplinary team consisting of specialist doctors and nurses, podiatrists, dietitians and health care assistants and we aim to address key diabetes related issues. These may include:
- Improving blood glucose control
- Advising you and your GP team about diabetes related long-term complications, risk factors (blood pressure, blood cholesterol, lifestyle issues etc) and depression
- Providing you with up to date information on and initiating more complicated therapies such as injection treatment, insulin or newer tablet medication
- Working in liaison with your GP team supporting them in your diabetes care
- Telephone help for both you and your GP team supporting your diabetes care
- Education for patients to help you adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle
- Structured courses for newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes patients (DESMOND)
- Home visits – for the initiation of insulin and titration of insulin and oral diabetes medications for those unable to attend our clinic based service
- Training, resources and support for primary care teams
- Access to other schemes to help you become more healthy (specialist weight management clinics, smoking cessation services, exercise promotion schemes including subsidised membership of local gyms)
What happens during an appointment at a clinic?
New patients will seen by a specialist GP or nurse. They will have their height, weight and blood pressure measured and be asked to give a urine sample. The doctor or nurse will then have a detailed discussion about key difficulties in their diabetes care and together negotiate a plan of action involving them, their GP team and various members of the diabetes team and other local services.
All patients require an assessments of kidney function (U&Es, Creatinine, eGFR, urine protein), liver function (LFTs), long-term glucose control (HbA1c), cholesterol and thyroid function.
Structured education: DESMOND
(Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed)
The DESMOND Diabetes Education Programme is now available for all patients who are newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes up to 12 months after diagnosis.
Benefits of the programme for patients:
- People attending the course are given a start in managing their diabetes
- Personal control over day to day management of diabetes
- Improved quality of life
- Group education – sharing experiences and knowledge
Benefits for the practice:
- More informed and motivated patients
- Appropriate use of services
- Six hours of structured education delivered by trained educators
- Self management by patient helps your surgery achieve QOF targets
- Meets NICE recommendations for structured education
Where are we based?
Community diabetes service
Langbaurgh House
Bow Street
TS14 7AA
Tel: 01642 944321
Fax: 01287 284429
When are we available?
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm