Recall of specific brands of carbomer eye gel – AACARB eye gel, AACOMER eye gel and PUROPTICS eye gel
Nationally specific batches of carbomer eye gel are being recalled as a precaution due to possible microbiological contamination – patients can find full details on the website
These medical disorders may involve the eye alone or the eye together with other general medical conditions.
Our specialty provides a number of services
- General (adult) ophthalmology (all consultants)
- Children’s ophthalmology (Qasim Mansoor, Hans Soeldner)
- Cataract assessment clinic (all)
- Glaucoma service
- Cornea (Trushar Patel)
- Vitreoretinal (Daniella Vaideanu-Collins)
- Oculoplastic service (Des Ah Kine and Andrew Gibson)
- Medical retina including diabetic eye disease (Sridhar Manvikar, Daniella Vaideanu-Collins, Phil Severn, Sree Pushpoth)
- Nurse-led cyst clinic
- Orthoptic department
- Optometrists
- Visual field testing
- Ophthalmic photography
- Eye retrieval
- Fluroscopy
Eye casualty opening times
Eye casualty at The James Cook University Hospital is currently open:
- 8am to 4pm – Monday to Friday
- 8am to 12noon – weekends and bank holidays
Patients should only attend with a true eye casualty complaints including acute injury, foreign body or acute loss of vision. Outside of these hours patients should present to the main emergency department.