Significant injury – such as that following car accidents or industrial accidents will be dealt with through the major trauma service, involving advanced resuscitation, early diagnostics with body scans and immediate review by a consultant doctor.
We also deal with less significant injuries such as broken wrists, ankles, legs and arms following more minor injuries such as falls and sporting accidents. In addition, we receive patients with suspected infection in the joints of the body.
We have a number of consultant surgeons that provide around the clock on-call trauma surgery. Our surgeons are organised into teams and should you be admitted to the orthopaedic department following an injury, you will come in under the care of one of the following teams.
Orthopaedic trauma teams
Monday Red Team
- Mr Mohammed Al-Maiyah
- Mr Philip Holland
- Mr Ian McMurtry
Tuesday Blue Team
- Mr Will Eardley
- Mr David Ferguson
- Mr Rajkumar Gangadharan
Wednesday Green Team
Thursday – yellow team
Each team will rotate to cover one in four weekends with each individual consultant covering one in eight weekends. Our trauma teams rotate daily and as such you may have your care handed over between consultants.
A full meeting of the trauma team is held every morning at 8am where your case will be discussed, images reviewed and management strategies considered and confirmed. Patients are seen on the ward and their care reviewed twice daily by the on call consultant.
The trauma service is coordinated by Will Eardley. The teams are supported by a range of junior staff and a dedicated trauma nurse specialist, a major trauma coordinator and trauma rehabilitation coordinator.