Red Cell Immunohaematology (RCI) Laboratory, Newcastle
Address: RCI Laboratory, NHSBT Centre Newcastle, Holland Drive, Newcastle, NE2 4NQ
Referred tests
- Alloantibody investigation
- ABO/Rh grouping problems
- Extended RBC phenotype
- AIHA investigation
- Haemolytic transfusion reaction
- Compatibility testing
- IgA deficiency/antibodies
- Anti D/c quantification
- Paternal phenotyping
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (H&I) Laboratory, Newcastle
Address: H&I Laboratory, NHSBT Centre Newcastle, Holland Drive, Newcastle, NE2 4NQ
Referred tests
- HLA/HPA/HNA typing
- HLA/HPA/HNA antibody screening
- Investigation of platelet refractiveness
- HLA and disease association
- TRALI investigation
- PTP investigation
- Solid organ transplant HLA testing
- HSCT transplant HLA testing
- Severe febrile no haemolytic transfusion reaction due to HLA/HNA/HPA antibodies
International Blood Group Reference Laboratory (IBGRL)
Address: IBGRL, NHSBT, North Bristol Park, Filton, Bristol, BS34 7QH
Referred tests
- Foetal red cell genotyping
- Very complex red cell antibody identification
Red Cell Immunohaematology (RCI) Laboratory, Barnsley
Address: RCI Laboratory, NHSBT Centre Barnsley, Capitol Way, Barnsley, S75 3FG
Referred tests
- FMH quantification