The coagulation laboratory is primarily based at The James Cook University Hospital. There is also a screening service based at the Friarage Hospital, with more specialist testing being transferred to The James Cook University Hospital for completion.
We offer a full and comprehensive range of modern diagnostic services encompassing:
- Routine screening
- Warfarin/INR monitoring
- Heparin monitoring
- DOAC assays
- Bleeding disorders investigations (including Haemophilia A and B, and Von Willebrands Disease)
- Lupus anticoagulant
- Thrombophilia testing
- Heparin induced thrombocytopenia
- TEG and platelet mapping
UKAS accreditation
South Tees Pathology Service (excluding the Andrology and Point of Care Testing Services) is a UKAS accredited medical laboratory (No. 9210) to the ISO15189:2012 standards for medical laboratories.
Our accreditation is limited to those activities described on our UKAS schedule of accreditation.
The James Cook University Hospital
The coagulation laboratory is based within the pathology department at The James Cook University Hospital. This is a purpose built laboratory that opened in 2002. The laboratory offers a wide range of basic and complex investigations as listed above.

The coagulation department works closely with the haematology and blood transfusion departments, with staff rotating between these disciplines to provide a fully comprehensive service.
The core laboratory working hours are 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday. A 24-hour shift system operates for the coagulation department, offering all tests that maybe required in an emergency situation.
Outside of the core hours the department offers both routine and emergency investigations.
Consultant advice is available 24 hours a day – please contact the clinical haematology team via the hospital switchboard.
Friarage Hospital
The coagulation laboratory at the Friarage Hospital is based within the blood sciences department. This is a new purpose built laboratory that opened in 2007. The laboratory offers a basic range of coagulation assays. More complex tests are referred to the laboratory at The James Cook University Hospital.
The core laboratory working hours are 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. An emergency service is available out of hours.