Clinical use
PCR assay for the detection of Tropheymera whipplei – causative agent of “Whipples Disease”.
Classic Whipples Disease is associated with intermittent arthralgia or a chronic digestive disorder with diarrhoea and/or weight loss. Other common manifestations include endocarditis and neurological symptoms as well as chronic localised infections such as adenopathy, uveitis, pulmonary and joint infections. T. whipplei has also been associated with acute infections such as pneumonia, gastroenteritis and bacteraemia.
Specimen requirements
- Blood: EDTA purple top
- CSF: White top sterile universal
- Other tissues and fluids (Heart valves, synovial fluid etc) may be tested and should be sent in: White top sterile universal
Minimum volume
If fluid being sent then 0.5ml
Limitations and restrictions
Do not send serum.
Turnaround time
5 days (at the reference laboratory)
Analysing laboratory
Leeds General Infirmary, Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3EX