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Showing 20 Resources filtered by Carers
Did you know that only drinking 2 glasses of fluid a day increases the chance of you getting a urine infection, headaches, constipation and you’re more likely to fall?
Catheter care presentation
Indwelling catheters, suprapubic catheters and nephrostomies.Topic: Carers
Clostridioides difficile
Clostridioides difficile advice for care homes and domiciliary care.Topic: Carers
Conveen catheters presentation
Conveen catheters are external urinary catheters that are worn like a condom.Topic: Carers
Feeding safely routines for care home residents
Guidance for professionals on feeding care home residents safely, including how people should be positioned to receive food and drinks and utensils to use.Topic: Carers, Pathways and clinical guidance
Hand hygiene presentation
Your five moments for hand hygiene at the point of care.Topic: Carers
Health hydration leaflet
A carers guide to spotting the signs of dehydration. -
IPC champions
Presentation about IPC champions for care homes and carers.Topic: Carers, Presentation
Laundry care homes notice
Please return all gowns, blankets and sheets. -
MRSA presentation
MRSA presentation for carers and care homes.Topic: Carers, Presentation